Kamis, 12 Mei 2011


Cinta itu menyakitkan bila kita mencintai tapi dikhianati.

Cinta itu menyakitkan bila kita mencintai tapi tidak dihargai.

Cinta itu menyakitkan bila kita mencintai tapi tidak dimengerti.

Cinta itu menyakitkan bila kita mencintai tapi disalah mengerti.

Cinta itu menyakitkan bila kita mencintai tapi tidak dihiraukan.

Cinta itu menyakitkan bila kita mencegah dan melarang untuk kebaikan tapi dimusuhi

Cinta itu menyakitkan tatkala kita tidak menghiraukan jeritan dan peringatan dari orang yang mencintai kita.

Cinta itu menyakitkan bila kita mencintai tapi cinta kita dipermainkan.

Tapi tahukah kamu…

Hati Bapa sakit saat Dia mencintai tapi cintaNya dan anugrahNya dipermainkan.

Hati Bapa sakit saat Dia menjerit “Jangan kesana dan kembalilah sekarang” tapi tidak kita hiraukan.

Hati Bapa sakit saat Dia melarang kita untuk kebaikan tapi kita memusuhiNya.

Hati Bapa sakit saat Dia mencintai tapi cintaNya tidak dihiraukan.

Hati Bapa sakit saat Dia mencintai tapi cintaNya disalah mengerti.

Hati Bapa sakit saat Dia mencintai tapi cintaNya tidak dimengerti.

Hati Bapa sakit saat Dia mencintai tapi kita tidak menghargai cintaNya.

Hati Bapa begitu sakit saat Dia mencintai tapi kita menghianati cintaNya.

Dan akhirnya, Bapa hanya mampu terdiam melihat kita melukaiNya.

Dia hanya mampu menangis dan menanggung sakit saat kita melukaiNya.

Dia hanya mampu menunggu kita untuk kembali padaNya dengan berderai air mata.

Dia hanya mampu berkata “Kembalilah padaKu” dengan air mata.

Dia hanya mampu menunggu kita bertobat dan meninggalkan tingkah kita yang menyakitiNya.

Kembalilah padaNya dan jangan biarkan Dia menunggu.

Kembalilah padaNya dan jangan biarkan Dia menangis lagi melihat perbuatan kita.

Kembalilah padaNya sekarang juga..

Karena hanya pertobatanmu dan cintamu yang tulus yang mampu membuat Bapa tersenyum lagi..

Karena cinta akan menjadi indah tatkala cinta itu terbalas dengan cinta yang tulus juga.

Senin, 09 Mei 2011


Police set a Citibank employee Melinda as a suspect Deealias MD Rp17 billion embezzlement of customer funds, on Friday (25/03/2011). Police have not revealed who actually MD's. However, post-case came to light, a number of beautiful and sexy women photos were circulated in several online forums and BlackBerry Messenger (BBM). MD called Malinda Dee, have a high rank at Citibank. "The suspect intentionally commit a crime MD with obscure transactions and records do not really trust some sliptransfer withdrawal of funds in customer accounts. To move a number of funds belonging to clients without permission to several accounts controlled by the perpetrator (MD), "said Police Inspector Pol Kadiv spokesman Anton Bachrul Alamdi Jakarta Police Headquarters on Friday (03/25/2011). Continuing this case came to light, after Citibank kekepolisian laporandari management. There are also reports korbanyang entire bill is reduced quite significantly. This two-star general, reluctant to mention the MD position at Citibank. Up to now, continued Anton, still collecting data on the number of customers become victims. "We ask if there is a Citibank customer, whose funds lost should immediately report to police," he advised.

Women flawless in image and stature of this section, was arrested Thursday (24 / 3) night in Jakarta, police also seized a car Hammer-3 Luxury Sport UtilityB 18 DIK Rp3, 4 billion, which is presumably the result of customers' money burglary crime. After undergoing an intensive inspection MD immediately detained at the Criminal Investigation Police Rutan. MD worn article of embezzlement, as the Law No. 8 Year 2010 on Money Laundering or moneylaundring.

Police Criminal Investigators have examined 13 witnesses, made up the leadership and employees of Citibank, also three victims of the funds in a bank account is drained MD American origin. Police also developed a case initerhadap other suspects, who allegedly did persekokolan to break into Citibank customer funds, given the strong predictive MD is not alone in carrying out its action. Ditta Amahorseya, Director, Country Corporate Citi Indonesia AffairsHead explain this case is an event that only happens in one place. Citibank has been quick to contact all customers who may be impacted.

Repair Task softskill


Causative “have” is followed by the simple form of a verb, not an infinitive. (causative “have” diikuti oleh verb 1 (tanpa tambahan s/-es), bukan diikuti oleh infinitif (to+verb1)).
- I had John repair my bike. (CORRECT)
- I had John to repair my bike. (INCORRECT,because it is followed by an infinitive)
è Kalimat ke 2 salah karena diikuti oleh infinitif (to+verb1)
► “Have” gives the idea that “X” request “Y” to do something. ( “Have” menunjukkan bahwa “X” meminta “Y” untuk melakukan sesuatu.)
è The formula is: “X” has/have/had “Y” do something (simple form) (rumusnya adalah “X” has/have/had “Y” melakukakn sesuatu (verb dalam bentuk sederhana(verb1 tanpa tambahan s/-es)).
Examples: - Mary has John carry her bag.
Means(artinya): John carried the bag because Mary ask him to. ( John membawa tas karena Mary menyuruhnya).
-I have Jane put my books
Means: Jane put my books because I ask her to.
- Tom had Jane clean the room yesterday
è Using “had” because the adverb of time is yesterday. But still the verb is in simple form.

(HAVE +Past Participle (Verb3)

The past participle(verb 3) is used after “have’ to give a passive meaning.
Examples: - I had my watch repaired (by someone) yesterday.
Means: I caused my watch to be repaired by someone. (saya menyuruh orang lain untuk memperbaiki jam tangan saya kemarin).
-I have my hair cut à means: I asked someone to cut my hair. (saya menyuruh seseorang untuk mencukur rambut saya)
- I am having my car washed at the moment à means: I am asking someone to wash my car at the moment. (pada saat ini saya SEDANG menyuruh seseorang mencuci mobil saya.)
You have to know the different between Have something done and present Perfect/ past perfect form.
HAVE SOMETHING DONE: I have my hair cut à means: I ask someone to cut my hair.
PRESENT PERFECT(S+HAVE/HAS+V3): I have cut my hair àmeans: you cut your own hair.

- Use active sentence for causative “have” (using simple form of a verb) and passive sentence for have something done (using verb 3).
- For causative “have” à after subject you have to use the right form of “have” whether it is “have or has or had” then the object is people (someone), after that,you have to use a simple form of a verb (verb 1 without s/-es) in any kind of adverb of time (present time or past time still use simple form of a verb), you just choose the right form of “have” à “have or has” for present time, “had “ for past time.
- For have something done just follow the pattern.

Fill in the blanks with the right form of causative have, and choose the right form of verb given in the brakets. (isilah dengan bentuk causative have yang benar, dan pilih salah satu bentuk verb yang benar yang diberikan di dalam kurung)

1. We had our treasury Bought our new books yesterday. (buy / buys / bought / to buy)
2. She has her mom cooked dinner for her. (cook / cooks / cooked / to cook )
3. He had his brother done his homework last night (do / does / did / done)
4. Tom is having Bill written the report at the moment. (write / writes / writing / written)
5. Mike has Jenni saved his data. (save / saving / saves / saved)
6. Bob has his packages delivered by the postman. ( deliver / delivers / delivered / delivery)
7. Eddy had_his data changed by his secretary last week. (change / changes / changed / changing)
8. Marie is having her house painted by the workmen at the moment. ( paint / painting / painted / paints)
9. Jonny has his car parked by the parking man. (park / parks / parking / parked)
10. They are having their maid cleaned their room right now. (clean / cleaned / cleans / cleaning)

Senin, 02 Mei 2011

Tugas Softskill Causative Verb " HAVE"

tugas sofkil II


Causative “have” is followed by the simple form of a verb, not an infinitive. (causative “have” diikuti oleh verb 1 (tanpa tambahan s/-es), bukan diikuti oleh infinitif (to+verb1)).
- I had John repair my bike. (CORRECT)
- I had John to repair my bike. (INCORRECT,because it is followed by an infinitive)
è Kalimat ke 2 salah karena diikuti oleh infinitif (to+verb1)
► “Have” gives the idea that “X” request “Y” to do something. ( “Have” menunjukkan bahwa “X” meminta “Y” untuk melakukan sesuatu.)
è The formula is: “X” has/have/had “Y” do something (simple form) (rumusnya adalah “X” has/have/had “Y” melakukakn sesuatu (verb dalam bentuk sederhana(verb1 tanpa tambahan s/-es)).
Examples: - Mary has John carry her bag.
Means(artinya): John carried the bag because Mary ask him to. ( John membawa tas karena Mary menyuruhnya).
-I have Jane put my books
Means: Jane put my books because I ask her to.
- Tom had Jane clean the room yesterday
è Using “had” because the adverb of time is yesterday. But still the verb is in simple form.

(HAVE +Past Participle (Verb3)

The past participle(verb 3) is used after “have’ to give a passive meaning.
Examples: - I had my watch repaired (by someone) yesterday.
Means: I caused my watch to be repaired by someone. (saya menyuruh orang lain untuk memperbaiki jam tangan saya kemarin).
-I have my hair cut à means: I asked someone to cut my hair. (saya menyuruh seseorang untuk mencukur rambut saya)
- I am having my car washed at the moment à means: I am asking someone to wash my car at the moment. (pada saat ini saya SEDANG menyuruh seseorang mencuci mobil saya.)
You have to know the different between Have something done and present Perfect/ past perfect form.
HAVE SOMETHING DONE: I have my hair cut à means: I ask someone to cut my hair.
PRESENT PERFECT(S+HAVE/HAS+V3): I have cut my hair àmeans: you cut your own hair.

- Use active sentence for causative “have” (using simple form of a verb) and passive sentence for have something done (using verb 3).
- For causative “have” à after subject you have to use the right form of “have” whether it is “have or has or had” then the object is people (someone), after that,you have to use a simple form of a verb (verb 1 without s/-es) in any kind of adverb of time (present time or past time still use simple form of a verb), you just choose the right form of “have” à “have or has” for present time, “had “ for past time.
- For have something done just follow the pattern.

Fill in the blanks with the right form of causative have, and choose the right form of verb given in the brakets. (isilah dengan bentuk causative have yang benar, dan pilih salah satu bentuk verb yang benar yang diberikan di dalam kurung)

1. We had our treasury Bought our new books yesterday. (buy / buys / bought / to buy)
2. She has her mom cooks dinner for her. (cook / cooks / cooked / to cook )
3. He and his brother done his homework last night (do / does / did / done)
4. Tom and Bill written the report at the moment. (write / writes / writing / written)
5. Mike and Jenni saved his data. (save / saving / saves / saved)
6. Bob had his packages deliverd by the postman. ( deliver / delivers / delivered / delivery)
7. Eddy had_his data changed by his secretary last week. (change / changes / changed / changing)
8. Marie make her house painting by the workmen at the moment. ( paint / painting / painted / paints)
9. Jonny had his car parked by the parking man. (park / parks / parking / parked)
10. They had their maid cleaned their room right now. (clean / cleaned / cleans / cleaning)