Senin, 21 Maret 2011

Adverb Clause


Posted by reffitadoremi on February 25, 2011 in Uncategorized |

Adverb Clause is a Clause (clause) which functions as an adverb, which describes a verb.
Adverbial Clause usually classified based on "the meaning / intent" of the conjunction (conjunctive that preceded it).
The types of adverbial Clause include:

1. Clause of Time
Clause which shows the time. Usually made by using conjunction (conjunctive) as after, before, no sooner, while, axles, etc..
• Shut the door before you go out.
• You begin May Pls (ever) you are ready.
• While he was walking home, he saw an accident.
• By the time I arrive, she will from have left.
• No sooner she ENTERED Than Had he Gave an order.

2. Clause of Place
That show where clause. Usually made by using such conjunction Nowhere, nowhere, anywhere, Wherever, etc..
• They sat down Wherever They Could find empty seats
• The guard Stood Nowhere he was positioned.
• Where there is a will, there is a way.
• Where there is poverty, there We find discontent and unrest.
• Go Nowhere you like.

3. Clause of Contrast (or Concession)
Clause which shows the contradiction between the two incidents or events that are related. Usually made by using conjunction (conjunctive) as although, though, even though, whereas, even if, in spite of, as the time, etc..
• As the time you were the resource persons sleeping, We Were working hard.
• Mary wanted to stop, whereas I wanted to go on.
• Although it is late, We'll stay a little longer.
• He is very friendly, even if he is a clever student.

4. Clause of Manner
Clause which shows the cars how a job is done or event occurs. Usually made by using conjunction (conjunctive) such as, how, like, in that, etc..
• He did as I toll uterus.
• You May finish it how you like.
• May They beat us again, like They did in 1978.

5. Clause of Purpose and Result
Clause which shows the relationship intent / objectives and outcomes. Usually made by using conjunctions such as (in order) that, so that, in the hope that, to the end that, lest, in case, etc..
• They Went to the movie early (in order) to find the best seats.
• She Bought a book so (that) Could she learn Bahasa
• He is saving his money so he he That May take a long vacation.
• I am working night and day in the Hope that I cans finish this book soon.

6. Clause of Cause and Effect

Clause which shows the relationship of cause and effect. There are several patterns to form this kind Clause. Take a good look.
• Ryan ran so fast That he broke the previous speed record.
• It was so cold yesterday That I Did not Want To swim.
• The Soup That Tastes so good will of everyone ask for more.
• The Student Had he behaved so badly That was dismissed from the class.
• The Smiths That Had so many children They formed Their own baseball team.
• i had job offers so Few That it wasn't Difficult to select one.
• He has invested so much money in the project That he can not abandon it now.
• The grass received so little water That it turned brown in the heat.
• It was a hot day Such That We decided to stay Indoors. OR It was so hot a day That We decided to stay Indoors.
• It was Such an interesting book That he couldn't put it down. OR It was so interesting a book That he couldn't put it down.
• She has Such exceptional Abilities That everyone is jealous of her.
• They are Such beautiful pictures Want That everybody will of one.
• Perry has Had Such bad luck That he's decided not to Gamble.
• This Is Such That Difficult homework I will of never finish it.
In addition, to reveal the relationship of cause and effect (cause and effect) can be used in other patterns, namely:
1. Using the Preposition (preposition) like Because of, due to, due to the fact that, etc.
• Because of the cold weather, We stayed home. (= We stayed home Because of the cold weather)
• Due to the cold weather, We stayed home. (= We stayed home due to the cold weather)
• Due to the fact That the weather was cold, We stayed home. (= We stayed home due to the fact That the weather was cold)
2. Using conjunctions (conjunction) as Because, since, now, that, as, as long as, inasmuch as
• Because he was sleepy, he Went to bed.
• Since he's not Interested in classical music, he decided not to go to the concert.
• As she Had nothing in particular to do, she Called up a friend and asked her if she wanted to take in a movie.
• Inasmuch as the two government leaders Could not reach an agreement, the possibilities for peace are still remote.
3. Using transition words like therefore, consequently.
• Alex failed the test Because he Did not study.
• Alex Did not study. Therefore, he failed the test.
• Alex Did not study. Consequently, he failed the test.
Some can be changed into an adverb Clause Modifying Phrases by:
1) Eliminate the subject of the dependent Clause and the verb (be).
a. Adverb clause: While I was walking to class, I ran into an old friend.
b. Modifying phrase: While walking to class, I ran into an old friend.
2) If the Clause does not exist be an adverb, hilangkanlah change the subject and verb in the adverb Clause-ing it into shape.
a. Adverb clause: Before I left for work, I ate breakfast.
b. Modifying phrase: Before Leaving for work, I ate breakfast.
Clause adverb can be converted into Modifying Phrase Clause if the subject of the adverb and the subject of playing the same Clause.
1. Can be changed
• While I was sitting in class, I fell asleep BECOME While sitting in class, I fell asleep.
• While Ann was sitting in class, she fell asleep BECOME While sitting in class, Ann Fell asleep.
• Since Mary Came to this country, she has made many friends BECOME Since coming to this country, Mary has made many friends.
2. Can not be changed
• While the teacher was lecturing to the class, I fell asleep.
• While We Were walking home, a frog hopped across the road in front of us.

7. Clause of Condition

Clause which shows the requirements between the two events (events) are related. Usually made by using conjunctions like if, even if, unless, in the event that, or in the event that, in case, provided (that), Providing (that), on condition that, if only, suppose (that), supposing ( that), etc..
• If I see uterus, I will from uterus invite to the party tomorrow.
• She Would forgive her husband everything, if only he Would come back to her.
• Suppose (that) your house burns down, do you have insurance to cover Enough Such a loss.
• In case a Robbery occurs in the hotel, the management must be Notified at once.
• The company will from agree to arbitration on condition (that) the strike is Called off at once.
• We Should Be Able to do the job for you Quickly, provided (that) you give us all the Necessary information.

Jumat, 11 Maret 2011

Adverbial Clause..

Posted on March, 7.2011 by Ayukemala.Ds

Adverbial Clause is Clause (clause) that functions as adverb, which describes the verb.
Adverbial Clause usually classified based on "the meaning / intent" of the conjunction (conjunctive that preceded it).
The types of adverbial Clause:
1. Clause of Time
Clause which shows the time, made by using conjunction (conjunctive) such as after, before, no sooner, while, axles, etc. ..
• Shut the door before you go out.
• You begin May Pls (ever) you are ready.
• While he was walking home, he saw an accident.
• No sooner she ENTERED Than Had he Gave an order.
2. Clause of Place
Clause that indicates the place, usually created by using the conjunction such as Nowhere, nowhere, anywhere, Wherever, etc..
• The guard Stood Nowhere he was positioned.
• Where there is a will, there is a way.
• Where there is poverty, there We find discontent and unrest.
• Go Nowhere you like.
3. Clause of Contrast (or Concession)
Clause which shows the contradiction between the two incidents / events that are related. Usually made by using such conjunction although, though, even though, whereas, even if, in spite of, as the time, etc..
• As the time you were the resource persons sleeping, We Were working hard.
• Mary wanted to stop, whereas I wanted to go on.
• Although it is late, We'll stay a little longer.
• He is very friendly, even if he is a clever student.
4. Clause of Manner
Clause which shows the cars how a job is done or event occurs. Usually made by using conjunction (conjunctive) such as, how, like, in that, etc..
• He did as I toll uterus.
• You May finish it how you like.
• May They beat us again, like They did in 1978.
5. Clause of Purpose and Result
Clause which shows the relationship intent / objectives and outcomes. Usually made by using conjunctions such as (in order) that, so that, in the hope that, to the end that, lest, in case, etc..
• They Went to the movie early (in order) to find the best seats.
• She Bought a book so (that) Could she learn Bahasa.
• He is saving his money so he he That May take a long vacation.
• I am working night and day in the Hope that I cans finish this book soon.
6. Clause of Cause and Effect
Clause which shows the relationship of cause and effect. There are several patterns to form this kind Clause.
• It was so cold yesterday That I Did not Want To swim.
• She has Such exceptional Abilities That everyone is jealous of her.
• It was a hot day Such That We decided to stay Indoors. OR It was so hot a day That We decided to stay Indoors.
In addition, to reveal the relationship of cause and effect (cause and effect) can be used in other patterns, namely:
1. Using the Preposition (preposition) like Because of, due to, due to the fact that, etc.
• Because of the cold weather, We stayed home. (= We stayed home Because of the cold weather)
• Due to the cold weather, We stayed home. (= We stayed home due to the cold weather)
2. Using conjunctions (conjunction) as Because, since, now, that, as, as long as, inasmuch as
• Since he's not Interested in classical music, he decided not to go to the concert.
• Because he was sleepy, he Went to bed.
3. Using transition words like therefore, consequently.
• Alex failed the test Because he Did not study.
• Alex Did not study. Therefore, he failed the test.
• Alex Did not study. Consequently, he failed the test.
7. Clause of Condition
Clause which shows the requirements between the two events (events) are related. Usually made by using conjunctions like if, even if, unless, in the event that, or in the event that, in case, provided (that), Providing (that), on condition that, if only, suppose (that), supposing ( that), etc..
• If I see uterus, I will from uterus invite to the party tomorrow.
• She Would forgive her husband everything, if only he Would come back to her.
• Suppose (that) your house burns down, do you have insurance to cover Enough Such a  loss.

Violent video games affect kids?

Video game violence is believed to make children become aggressive and sensitive to acts that depict violence. But such an assumption is not true in studies conducted in Canada. In previous research reports, video game violence can lead to more aggressive behavior and irritability, in addition to more sensitive to violence. But Canadian researchers compared the players and not players. The results they found for the long term, a player may only remember the negative image after undergoing memory tests. These results have similar levels of emotional reactions to the images for non-players.

"People who play video games, did not differ in memory. And physical arousal did not differ between the players and not players. And there was no difference in how each group after seeing a negative image or violence," said study author, Holly Bowen , who is also a doctoral candidate in the department of psychology at Ryerson University in Toronto, told USAToday.
According to background information on this research, different violent video games with violence in television or film. The reason is, people play games actively involved in the aggression, and in some games to receive rewards and incentives to perform acts of virtual violence.

"Most research on violent video games, these players were tested as soon as possible after they play the game and may not reflect long-term effects," said Bowen. To assess whether violent video games affect the brain long term, Bowen and colleagues, Julia Spaniol, recruited 122 undergraduate psychology students to participate in their studies on emotional memory.

"Memory emotions are very important part of your cognitive functions. If you do not remember a negative or dangerous situation, you can not learn from them and avoid them in the future," said Bowen. A total of 96 study volunteers were women, and the average age was 19 years old. 45 People in group play video games for six months. The remaining 77 had no exposure to video games. Both male and female players reported playing Grand Theft Auto, Final Fantasy and the NHL (National Hockey League). "Men are also included in the game in five big fights. She would rather play Guitar Hero and Rock Band or go-kart game Mario Kart video than violence," according to this study.

The researchers showed 150 images of positive, neutral, and negative for study volunteers. Bowen said some of the picture is violent and bullies, like pictures of people holding a gun to her head. An hour later, the researchers showed the volunteers pictures again penelitiani, but were randomly mixed in the additional images. The result, they found no difference in memory between the two groups. And, the players and non-players reported similar levels of physical stimulation of the drawings, and described the same feeling when viewing photos.

Bowen said that this study can not definitely say that violent video games do not make people sensitive to violence. "It does not give a piece of the puzzle, and maybe, video games do not have long-term effects on cognition and memory."

Meanwhile, Dr. Eric Hollander, a psychiatrist from Montefiore Medical Center in New York City, saying that some teenagers may be more vulnerable to violent video games. "Teenagers who do not receive adequate compensation may be vulnerable to the benefits gained from risk behaviors, such as video games or gambling addiction."

"With the aggressive video games, teenagers get the excitement level high and the benefits that they might not get with other games, and they may begin to develop a more limited interest to one type of game," he explained, adding that the warning to parents if they see their child become less involved in other activities to enjoy, and they only play certain types of video games

INDONESIA education Problems

Role of Education in Development
Education has the task to transform and prepare the human resources development. Pace of development is always sought in tune with the demands of the times. Development of the age always raises new issues that have never thought about before. This chapter will examine the main problems of education, and the interplay between the principal serve targeted, the factors influencing the development and actual problems and ways to overcome it.

What happens if the development in Indonesia is not accompanied by the development in education?. Although his physical development is good, but what's the point when the nation's moral decline. If this happens, the economy would be problematic, because each person will be corruption. So sooner or later will come the day when the state and the nation is destroyed. Therefore, for prevention, education must be one of the priorities in the development of the country.
Government Education Problems and Solutions
Regarding the problem of education, the attention of our government still feels very minimal. The picture is reflected in the diversity of an increasingly complex educational problems. The quality of students is still low, less professional instructors, cost of education is expensive, even chaotic rule of the Education Act. The impact of poor education, the future of our country getting worse. This downturn may also result from an average size of budget allocations for education both at the national, provincial, and city and county.

Solving the problems of education should not be done separately, but must be taken measures or actions that are comprehensive. That is, we not only pay attention to the increase in expenditure. Because it's useless, if the quality of human resources and quality of education in Indonesia is still low. Problems organizing Nine-year Compulsory Education is actually still a big homework for us. The fact that we can see that many in the periphery areas that do not have adequate educational facilities. With the abandonment of the nine-year compulsory education program resulted in Indonesia's children are still many who drop out of school before completing their nine-year compulsory education. Under these conditions, when no significant change in policy, it is difficult for this nation out of the educational problems that exist, let alone survive in the competition in the global era.

Ideal conditions in the field of education in Indonesia is that every child can go to school at least until the high school level regardless of their status because that is their right. But it is very difficult to realize at this time. Therefore, at least everyone has the same opportunity to get an education. If you look at the above problems, there was an inequality between the rich and the poor. Seemed to belong only to the rich school just so that people who lack feel inferior to school and hang out with them. Plus publication of the school about scholarships is severely limited.

Free schools in Indonesia should have adequate facilities, competent faculty, appropriate curriculum, and has the administrative and bureaucratic system is good and straightforward. However, in reality, free schools are schools located in remote areas of slums and everything was not able to support the school bench which raised the question, "Is the school for free? If yes, yes fair because it is very worrying. "

Bird, a bearer of grace or Disaster?

Comparing the causes of bird presence in Jakarta, is not an easy job, especially if we compare with Singapore or melbourne. natural environmental conditions have been very different not to mention the human factor.
Singapore is an urban environment with green areas ideal proportions, although not entirely natural. Green is not just green Royo-Royo, but green to sing.
This was possible because the area was developed disingapura green area. This region, the government does not only provide food for wild animals (like birds and squirrels), but also menyedeiakan menunjuang water for wildlife (wildlife). Such a model is called the development vision of biology. According to former environment minister.
In addition there is the forest area / green peninsula of Malacca (west malaysia) who participated disingapura support the preservation of wild life. Starlings also feel safe to roam, even in crowded areas such as Orcgard Road is famous for.
Melbourne is more powerful than disingapura. In addition to supporting the urban environment, people are also pro birds and other wildlife. rossella birds enter runag work or home, the usual things. Communities also provide food and beverage bird unutk yard behind their house, so that the birds that live there feel at home visiting.
What about in jakarta? jakarta green area continues to erode from wamtu to time. After Kemayoran, now turn estuary Angke who are victims of eviction. The remaining green area is now the bags are relatively narrow and not interconnected, thus semkin area looks narrow.
Dijakarta greening program generally is limited to create new limited Royo-Royo meets human needs, not to touch the lives of many wild animals. They provide food only for mengkap birds. Small children wearing adult slingshots while carrying a rifle, that is what is dijakarta. When there is a great bird, all citizens of RT busy to catch it.
God put his faith in the hands of humans to sentient beings to preserve their culture. Also use common such as the ancestral land of Sunda "Bird hiber jangjangna me, my life urang akalna" which means bird flying with its wings, we live with their minds. So is the bird is a gift from God Almighty.

Name-Dance Dance Typical Region of the National Indigenous Culture - Culture Nusantara Indonesia

1. DI Aceh province / the Aceh Darussalam / NAD
Traditional Dance: Dance Seudati, Tari Saman Meuseukat

2. Province of North Sumatra / North Sumatra
Traditional Dance: Twelve Serampang Dance, Dance-Tor Tor

3. West Sumatra Province / West Sumatra
Traditional Dance: Dance Plate, Dance umbrella

4. Riau Province
Traditional Dance: Horn Dance, Dance Joged heap

5. Jambi Province
Traditional Dance: Foreword Dance, Dance braid Eight

6. South Sumatra Province / South Sumatra
Traditional Dance: Dance date, Dancing Princess Bekhusek

7. Lampung Province
Traditional Dance: Dance Jangget, rolling Dance

8. Bengkulu Province
Traditional Dance: Dance Andun, Dance Bidadei Teminang

9. DKI Jakarta Province
Traditional Dance: Mask Dance, Dance Yapong

10. West Java Province / Jabar
Traditional Dance: Kuncaran Mask Dance, the Peacock Dance

11. Central Java Province / Central Java
Traditional Dance: Dance Serimpi, Dance bambangan Cakil

12. Province of Yogyakarta / Yogyakarta / Jogjakarta
Traditional Dance: Dance Serimpi Sangupati, Dance Bedaya

13. Province of East Java / East Java
Traditional Dance: Dance Remong, Dance Reog Ponorogo

14. Bali Province
Traditional Dance: Legong, Kecak Dance

15. West Nusa Tenggara Province / NTB
Traditional Dance: MPAA Lenggo Dance, Dance Batunganga

16. East Nusa Tenggara Province / NTT
Traditional Dance: Dance War, Dancing Gareng Lameng

17. West Kalimantan Province / Kalbar
Traditional Dance: Dance Monong, Dance Zapin Tembung

18. Central Kalimantan Province / Kalteng
Traditional Dance: Dance Balean Dadas, Dance & Bungai Tambun

19. South Kalimantan Province / South Kalimantan
Traditional Dance: Dance Baksa Kembang, Dance Radap Rahayu

20. Province of East Kalimantan / Kalimantan
Traditional Dance: Dance War, Dancing Gong

21. North Sulawesi Province / North Sulawesi
Traditional Dance: Dance Maengkat, Polo Dance-palo

22. Central Sulawesi Province / Central Sulawesi
Traditional Dance: Dance Lumense, Cinde Pule Dance

23. Sulawesi Tenggara / Southeast Sulawesi
Traditional Dance: Dance Dinggu, Dance Balumpa

24. South Sulawesi Province / South Sulawesi
Traditional Dance: Dance Bosara, Fan Dance

25. Maluku Province
Traditional Dance: Lenso Dance, Dance Cakalele

26. Province of Irian Jaya / Papua
Traditional Dance: Dance Musyoh, Dance Welcome

27. Province of East Timor / East Timor
Traditional Dance: Dance Wira, Dance Suru Boe

Music Regge rise in Indonesia

Reggae Music Indonesia has risen. This marked the emergence of reggae musicians who enliven the Indonesian music industry from time to time powered by Pop music. Number of media with the theme of the development of reggae music in Indonesia these days is an indication of "the Uprising of Indonesia reggae music" has begun.

We know Tony Q Rastafara Mas, Steven and Coconut Trees, Souljah, Ras Mohammed, Force Five Finger, Uprising, Gangstarasta, Joni Agung and Double T as "reggae musicians" who helped to enliven the homeland of reggae music universe. Good news for us all because we no longer need desperately to be listened to a reggae music. Now it's a lot of radio station that plays music occasionally reggaa, even many times. : D

In 2003 we uproar with Punk music, Melodic (or Mellowdic?) Is marked with "hijra" her Superman Is Dead to Sony BMG recods Soekamti Endank also increasingly Enndaaang ... then next year we uproar with music "New Wave" ala The Upstair and easily find White anak2 Abu-abu (read: high school) and Blue-White (read: SMP), dressed as Jimmy The Upstairs, and distortion guitar with a sound boom 70'an mark his music and Garage Rock N Roll. Unfortunately we were treated to more appearances "flashback" with no little ease his appreciation of their music and creativity are also not saying they retreated to the back but I feel more proud if you arise The Donnas - The Donnas Indonesia. Jreng-jreng ...

Back to the title of the discussion, we hope this will be a "signal" for the major labels to better appreciate reggae music. For more commercial to her - without making the artist a "cash cow", the slave of the capitalists. We all (especially reggae lovers) would want to see the reggae musicians in the country could be on air on private television station, appearing in a commercial acara2, live music events, a guest on MTV acara2, get a place at MTV program2 "without regard to music Characters that had dominated much of the TV shows as the music is boring ".

Selasa, 01 Maret 2011

Video Game kekerasan pengaruhi Anak ??

Video game kekerasan dipercaya dapat membuat anak menjadi agresif dan peka untuk bertindak yang menggambarkan kekerasan. Namun anggapan tersebut tak berlaku dalam penelitian yang dilakukan di Kanada. Dalam laporan penelitian sebelumnya, video game kekerasan dapat menyebabkan perilaku yang lebih agresif dan lekas marah, selain lebih peka untuk kekerasan. Namun para peneliti Kanada membandingkan pemain dan bukan pemain. Hasilnya mereka menemukan untuk jangka panjang, pemain hanya mungkin mengingat gambar negatif setelah menjalani tes memori. Hasil ini memiliki tingkat yang sama dalam reaksi emosi terhadap gambar bagi yang bukan pemain.

"Orang-orang yang bermain video game, tidak berbeda di dalam memori. Dan gairah fisik tidak berbeda antara pemain dan bukan pemain. Dan tidak ada perbedaan dalam cara masing-masing kelompok setelah melihat foto negatif atau kekerasan," kata penulis studi, Holly Bowen, yang juga seorang kandidat doktor di departemen psikologi di Ryerson University di Toronto seperti yang dikutip USAToday.
Menurut informasi latar belakang penelitian ini, video game kekerasan berbeda dengan kekerasan di televisi atau film. Alasannya, orang bermain game secara aktif terlibat dalam agresi tersebut, dan dalam beberapa permainan menerima imbalan dan insentif untuk melakukan tindak kekerasan virtual.

"Sebagian besar penelitian tentang video game kekerasan, para pemain ini diuji sesegera mungkin setelah mereka bermain game dan mungkin tidak mencerminkan efek jangka panjang," ujar Bowen. Untuk menilai apakah video game kekerasan mempengaruhi otak jangka panjang, Bowen dan koleganya, Julia Spaniol, merekrut 122 mahasiswa program sarjana psikologi untuk berpartisipasi dalam studi mereka pada memori emosi.

"Memori emosi adalah bagian sangat penting dari fungsi kognitif Anda. Jika Anda tidak ingat situasi negatif atau berbahaya, Anda tidak bisa belajar dari mereka dan menghindarinya di masa mendatang," kata Bowen. Sebanyak 96 relawan penelitian adalah perempuan, dan usia rata-rata adalah 19 tahun. 45 Orang dalam kelompok bermain video game selama enam bulan. 77 sisanya tidak memiliki eksposur permainan video. Kedua pemain pria dan wanita dilaporkan bermain Grand Theft Auto, Final Fantasy dan NHL (National Hockey League). "Pria juga termasuk dalam permainan perkelahian dalam lima besar. Wanita lebih suka bermain Guitar Hero dan Rock Band atau permainan go-kart Mario Kart dibanding video kekerasan," menurut penelitian ini.

Para peneliti menunjukkan 150 gambar yang positif, netral, dan negatif untuk para relawan penelitian. Bowen mengatakan beberapa gambar adalah kekerasan dan pengganggu, seperti gambar orang memegang senjata ke kepala wanita. Satu jam kemudian, para peneliti menunjukkan gambar lagi ke relawan penelitiani, tapi secara acak dicampur dalam gambar tambahan. Hasilnya, mereka tidak menemukan perbedaan ingatan antara kedua kelompok. Dan, para pemain dan non-pemain melaporkan tingkat yang sama dari rangsangan fisik dari gambar, dan menggambarkan perasaan yang sama bila melihat foto.

Bowen mengatakan, penelitian ini tidak dapat secara pasti mengatakan bahwa video game kekerasan tidak membuat orang peka untuk melakukan kekerasan. "Ini tidak memberikan sepotong teka-teki, dan mungkin, permainan video tidak memiliki efek jangka panjang pada kognisi dan memori."

Sementara itu, Dr Eric Hollander, seorang psikiater dari Montefiore Medical Center di New York City, mengatakan bahwa beberapa remaja mungkin lebih rentan terhadap kekerasan video game. "Remaja yang tidak mendapatkan imbalan yang memadai mungkin rentan terhadap imbalan yang diperoleh dari perilaku berisiko, seperti video game atau kecanduan judi."

"Dengan agresif video game, remaja mendapatkan gairah tingkat tinggi dan imbalan yang tidak mungkin mereka dapatkan dengan permainan lainnya, dan mereka mungkin mulai mengembangkan minat yang lebih terbatas untuk satu jenis permainan," jelasnya, seraya menambahkan bahwa peringatan untuk orangtua jika mereka melihat anak mereka menjadi kurang terlibat dalam kegiatan-kegiatan lain untuk menikmati, dan mereka hanya bermain permainan video jenis tertentu.